ESNTL Wellness
ESNTL Wellness

Insight into what matters

Power wellness for your workforce

ESNTL Wellness leverages passive and actively collected data from the Apple Watch and iPhone to provide tips and actionable insights into wellbeing. One platform, always anonymous.

Sheriff using ESNTL Mobile App

Uplift individuals

Improve day-to-day awareness

Reflect on your key health factors and events with daily check-ins.

Actionable insights

Track changes and trends in your wellbeing through data-driven insights.

Proactive guidance to support

Review curated benefits and resources for on-the-go support at critical moments.

Keep a pulse check on your team

Understand wellness

Understand aggregated and anonymized trends in important areas of wellness.

Uncover connections

Drive impact with employees by understanding connections in various categories of wellbeing.

Empower data-driven decisions

Improve the health of your business by starting with the health of your employees.

Professional using ESNTL Dashboard
Fatigued employees cost US employers $136 billion a year in healthcare costs, lost productivity, and accidents.
-National Safety Council (2021)
Privacy is key. Health is personal.

Review anonymized, aggregated data on the admin dashboard.
Personal user data is never shared.

Mock-up of ESNTL Solution for Apple Watch, Smartphone and Desktop
What has effectively been a “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach to mental health in the workplace is becoming instead “do ask, do tell, let’s talk.”

“Mental Health in the workplace: The coming evolution” — McKinsey Quarterly